What is it?

The number one cause of death in the US is heart disease. That is why it is important to make sure that all your circulatory vessels are functioning properly. BEMER Therapy is a therapeutic modality that facilitates functional blood flow within the body. BEMER is an acronym for Bio Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation and is registered as a medical device in the US by the FDA.

The BEMER device that activates the body’s own power of self-healing by promoting micro circulation and is the most researched and top treatment for wide variety of illnesses. This treatment helps to maintain health and support healing Microcirculation Opens capillaries and helps your cells produce more energy.

How it works

A BEMER session stimulates circulation of the smallest blood vessels and improves supply to and cleansing of the organs and tissue. The BEMER system uses a low frequency pulsing field, which can deliver the life sustaining electro-magnetic energy to the body in an optimal way.

Who benefits from it?

BEMER can be beneficial for almost everyone. A wide cross-section of the population including all age groups can reap the benefits:

  • Improved supply and detoxification of organs and tissue
  • Reduced consequences of stress
  • Support in the healing of wounds & sports injuries
  • Increased performance capacity & maximum training intensity
  • Shorter regenerative periods during sports training
  • Improved fitness & recovery from sports injuries

BEMER has also partnered with NASA that governs the joint development of a prototype space suit that improves micro circulation while preventing bone and muscle atrophy during space missions. It should also assist recuperation after space travel.

Steve this is what I have experienced. I have been using my Bemer machine for 2 1/2 years every day. I started slow doing it the right way. I feel that using the mat to sleep on every night helps me sleep better. I don’t get sick anymore, I have been thinking more clearly, I have tons of energy, I skate twice a week and don’t get winded, with the attachments, if I get sore anyplace I will use the attachments to help feel better quickly. Thank you.
– Brian Propp, an NHL Hall of Fame player


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