What is AMIT: Advanced Muscle Integration Technique?

AMIT is a revolutionary analysis and treatment system involving exacting testing to identify problematic or injury causing areas of the body. Dr Belnap has been using this system on patients for the last 10 years.

By applying an amazing treatment protocol where vascular, lymphatic and organ system reflexes that are specific to each muscle, function can be restored and muscles respond quickly. Dr. Belnap can assess 600 specific muscles in the body, identifying weaknesses and restoring function quickly. In the AMIT method there are greatly improved and highly specific protocols that have been developed to stimulate and activate the nervous system to, reconnect the neurological signaling and get the muscle working again. These protocols applied correctly can give dramatic, effective and immediate results.

Through this assessment, potential injuries can be predicted, and with this treatment acute and chronic problems can be corrected and sometimes completely eliminated.

Once Dr Belnap has finished his analysis he can recommend a custom-tailored treatment plan designed to strengthen weak areas, and help you to avoid potential future injuries and to help you quickly reduce the pain of present injuries.

Patients, who have gone through the process of having all their muscles activated and working, can experience complete pain free function.

Because this system is specific and accurate, he can treat the root cause and not just the attending symptoms.

How do I know if Advanced Muscle Integration (AMIT) will help me?

1)   Do you have tight muscles that will not stretch, or joints that are chronically sore.

2)   Is one side of your body noticeably stronger the other side of your body?

3)   Do you have a hard time getting up off the floor, or even the sofa?

4)   Have you been working out regularly, but can’t seem to break through a plateau, or feel like there is a slow decline in your fitness regime?

5)   Have you had a recent sprain, strain, slip and fall, or other personal injury?

6)   Have you had past injuries that are coming back to haunt you?

7)   Are you feeling much too old for your age?

8)  Have you had a recent joint replacement or other major surgery?

9)  Do you participate in repetitive physical motions or work?

10) You can have good range of motion, but if you can’t hold a joint or position against resistance without holding your breath then the joint is still unstable.

Each of these can be signs of, or attributed to imbalanced or inhibited muscles.

Pocatello Idaho Chiropractor Services